Outline and expectations of the course
Start date: 6th February, 2017
Finish Date: 5th March, 2017
Week 1A and 1B 6th- 12th February 2017
Week1A Why is it important for my students to learn conceptually?
Week 1B What are the Structures of Knowledge and the Structures of Process for Mathematics?
Week 2A and 2B 13th- 19th February 2017
Week 2A How to craft quality generalizations
Week 2B Planning Units for Concept-Based and Inquiry Led Learning
Week 3A and 3B 20th- 26th February 2017
Week 3A How do I draw conceptual understandings from my students?
Week 3B Assessment Strategies to promote conceptual depth
Week 4A and 4B 27th February-5th March 2017
Week 4A The critical content in unit planning; KUDs and Learning Experiences
Week 4B The ideal concept- based mathematics classroom
This online course is to help you understand the tenets of concept-based mathematics and how to engage your students with different instructional strategies.
The accompanying text for this course is "Concept-Based Mathematics: Teaching for Deep Understanding in Secondary Schools". You can order this book through Amazon here
While the examples in the text are secondary examples, early years and primary examples will be provided during the four weeks.
Here are some guidelines to help you experience success with this course:
- Access this workshop before the commencement date and introduce yourself.
- Allocate a minimum of four hours per week for this online workshop.
- Each weekly module consists of two parts: A and B. As this course is in a cohort format do not work ahead of the rest of the class by completing all modules all at once. Part of the learning comes from sharing ideas and collaboration.
- At the end of every week there is an opportunity for reflection
- Be collaborative and pro-active as a learner.
Every week there are two sets of discussion questions to help you connect your learning with other participants. The discussion questions will usually relate to a chapter from the book. Please answer all discussion questions individually first. Post a minimum of two responses to other participants for either discussion A or B, sharing your thoughts and ideas. Provide constructive peer-to-peer feedback in the spirit of sharing knowledge and experience.
There is a terminal project which reflects the learning over the four weeks and includes the design of a completed unit on concept-based mathematics with recommended learning experiences. You will be working on these unit from week 2.
If all the requirements of this course are met participants will be issued with an electronic certificate on concept-based mathematics.
I look forward to working wth you and sharing our ideas and experience about mathematics education.
Please do not hesitate me directly for any individual queries: jenniferwathall@jenniferwathall.com